I am going to bring up two political parties that are underground and not registered.
I am going to focus heavy on the Proletarian Revolutionary Front in this post, but before I do that I am going to give a lot of background to the Bundist Movement. I am going to write out everything I know (with some exceptions for reasons of safety) about the Proletarian Revolutionary Front.
After that I am going to give a very brief summery on the organization I was part of Lenin-Mao Communist Union. The next post will get further into the Lenin-Mao Communist Union.
I am confident that the issues that I will raise and the information that I shall provide will become more knowable as the next years progress. First I must bring up a Trotskyist group, this Trotskyist group is a threat to Marxist-Leninists, Maoists, Third Worldists, Bundists and even Anarchists. The three martyred groups that I will give a report on in this post, were not martyred by this Trotskyist group. But this Trotskyist group has attacked both the Lenin-Mao Communist Union and the Bundist Movement before, and they had done so with physical violence. The Trotskyist group that I mention is the Libria Consolidation Party. The reason why this is important is because it should be known that the Libria Consolidation Party is allegedly engaging in some type of nefarious-shadow war against the National Social Americanist Party. With any luck the Libria Consolidation Party and National Social Americanist Party will kill each other instead of us. Let me show you the two threatening notes that the Libria Consolidation Party had sent to Dona Newman the Emissary of the Bundist Movement...
These threats had the Bundist Movement worried that they would be attacked by the Libria Consolidation Party. The Bundist Movement was also concerned that Zionists and Neo-Nazis would attack them as well. But they were expecting the Libria Consolidation Party to murder them. Sorel Larson is a member of the Libria Consolidation Party, he had made an recent attempt to break into the Headquarters of the Bundist Movement. The ironic thing is that when Sorel tried to break into Bundist headquarters, Jared 88 showed up in an attempt to kill him.
We have confirmed that the Libria Consolidation Party had been the ones who sent the two above threatening notes to Dona Newman. The Libria Consolidation Party never sent threatening notes to the Lenin-Mao Communist Union but Sorel Larson has had four physical altercations with myself. Each one of my altercations with Sorel Larson have been over the same thing. On April 18, 2017 Sorel Larson broke my phone when I tried to photograph him beating up a old Muslim lady. On May 6, 2018 I was attempting to videotape Sorel Larson as he was harassing me for challenging him politically, I only pulled out my phone when he started to insult me and attack my Muslim faith and oddly enough he attacked the Jewish faith as well in the same moment, I needed to videotape this but as soon as I pulled out my phone he grabbed it and broke it to pieces, I could not recover the memory card but I tried. On October 25, 2018 Sorel Larson held a protest outside a Byzantine Catholic church building, he was leading the protest and he was yelling at a small child that could not have been any older than six years old. I pulled out my phone, he realized I was video taping him particularly, he ran at me. I tried to run away but then he tackled me to the ground and broke my phone to pieces. On January 11, 2019 I went to the Mosque as I attempt to do every Friday. On my way to the Mosque I find 'guess who' beating up on a Muslim teen, I asked "What is this all about?", as I am video recording Sorel Larson he leaps at me and smashes my phone and throws the pieces in the sewer stormdrain near us. Even after this I try to get between this Trotskyite filth and the young man, this ended with me getting beat up very badly and a tall Black guy coming to rescue us. And of course yes, just in case you had wondered, the tall Black guy is a Muslim. I have to mention that the rescuer was a tall Black Muslim because Sorel Larson has tried to recruit this same guy at least twice. Several members of Panther C.O.D.E an all black MLM group are body guards and the requirement for these body guard is being tall and being good at hand to hand combat. The Libra Consolidation Party has a built in hostility towards Islam and Judaism this is why my friend and comrade has refused Sorel's invitation to join in the filthy Trotskyist group.
Now that I have explained the Libria Consolidation Party's hostility let me get to the relevant topic.
This flag below is the flag of the National Social Americanist Party.
The National Social Americanist Party is a hidden organization, not a registered political party.
Let me explain how I know this. The National Social Americanist Party controls the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard. It is indeed an inside source that has leaked to me this insight, prior to this I considered this to be mere rumor. But this is no rumor the hyper-fanatical fractional cell of the National Socialist Movement known as the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard is the proxy of the National Social Americanist Party, I suspect that all the members of the National Social Americanist Party are also CIA agents. The National Socialist Revolutionary Guard is a super-fanatical cell within the National Socialist Movement. Jared 88 is the leader of the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard. Many of the Police of the Phoenix departments and Glendale departments are also members of the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard. Jared 88 and his girlfriend Bunny Leistung are both notorious to Phoenix, Arizona. Because of the information given to me by a credible source, I report that Bunny Leistung is dead. The National Socialist Revolutionary Guard had sent three notes to the Emissary of the Bundist Movement Dona Newman. This is the first one...
Dona Newman did not remove Liberation Struggle parts 1 and 2 from the Bundist Movement YouTube channel, but YouTube itself removed them after several false claims of Copyright violation. These two videos later were uploaded on the channel of Dr. Weizfeld the Chairman of the Bundist Movement.
The ridiculous outcry of "White Genocide" is made and truthfully in Arizona many times deaths go unnoticed, such deaths are rarely White. Arizona is known for not putting obituaries in the Newspaper, as I understand it these threats had been taken rather seriously.
The typical claim that every organization of Jews is part of the Rothschild Conspiracy had been thrown at them, even though Dona Newman is known in many Socialist circles for railing against the entire Rothschild family. What is most upsetting is that the JDL Zionists are actually in alliance with the Neo-Nazis that wrote these notes. The Bundist Movement ( in full Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement) suffered a great loss on May 27, 2019 when Jared 88 allegedly murdered several people at a Synagogue including the five council members of the Bundist Movement with the aid of the Phoenix Police. PLEASE REMEMBER all the events I am now going to refer to have nothing to do with the Libria Consolidation Party. I need to also make clear that I do not know the real names of Jared 88 or
Bunny Leistung and I am rather sure that these are not their real names.
This is the order of events of the days leading up to May 27, 2019.
For context I provide the names of the members of the Bundist Movement.
Abraham Weizfeld the Chairman of the Bundist Movement known by some as Eibie and by all as Dr. Weizfeld.
Dona Newman the Emissary of the Bundist Movement known to write her first name Dona with just one en officially and formally and Donna with the two ens when writing to those she has a more informal association with. For this reason I will only be writing her name with the one en I knew the five council members of the Bundist Movement rather well.
Nethanel Ben-Yahushua the Cleric of the Bundist Movement, known by his friends as Net, politically addressed as Comrade Net or Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua although some of his closest do call him Comrade Net. I knew Comrade Net to some extent but now it is safe to say I know him very well.
The five council members of the Bundist Movement; Marvin Eliyahu, Uri Adiah, Hannah Toff, Isaiah P. Kamatstein and Miriam Emesberg.
List of events as best as I can piece together, if I have missed something I apologize.
The apartment of Marvin Eliyahu and Uri Adiah on May 10, 2019 was shot up, they had not been home at this time. Every eyewitness I was able to get a hold of has said it was Bunny Leistung who had fired upon their apartment.
On the date of May 14, 2019 Bunny Leistung accompanied with four other people flung a brick into one of the office windows of the Bundist Movement headquarters.
Jared 88 ran his truck into Marvin's truck on May 21, 2019 at the cross-streets of Bell Rd and 35th Ave, a nearby Policeman arrested Marvin instead of Jared and shortly afterwards he was released as he had done nothing wrong. The police themselves confirmed to Marvin that he did nothing wrong.
The Wedding Massacre took place on May, 27 2019, I will go into that in more detail in the next post. The flag below is the flag of the Bundist Movement.
Just for the sake of context, I must explain who Adinah Belén was. And it has also been leaked to me that Adinah Belén is dead. Adinah Belén was the roommate of Miriam Emesberg. Adinah Belén and Miriam Emesberg started having ideological differences when Miriam found a picture of Adinah and some other people squatting in front of a Kahanist flag in what looks like the campus of Arizona State University. Adinah swore that she was no longer JDL. Miriam decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, yet remaining increasingly skeptical. Later on Marvin Eliyahu saw Adinah Belén with one of the three JDL fascists who had kidnapped Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua and Uri Adiah.
See this Bundist blog post for details: Thursday; last day of February of 2019
See also this blog post for further details: Torah Culture and Rejection of April Fool's Day
I hope you read both of those footnotes from the Bundist Movement because I want all context covered. The events of the Synagogue shooting on May 27th of 2019 is no secret, none of us are stupid enough to give out our names and I don't know the real names of those who made up the membership of the Proletarian Revolutionary Front, (I am not saying that the Bundist Movement is stupid for using their real names) they (the Proletarian Revolutionary Front) did not know me by my real name, nor did they know me as Poc Eral; they knew me by a pen name. Someone with connections (I will not say who) phoned the Proletarian Revolutionary Front. The Proletarian Revolutionary Front has had several members come and go, but consistently there had been nine members. The Proletarian Revolutionary Front was a small revolutionary gang of Black and Mexican Marxist-Leninists. Eight of the members of the Proletarian Revolutionary Front were murdered on May 30, 2019. The only survivor of the Proletarian Revolutionary Front is Commander Soviet Menace and I have had to piece this information together without his help. The Proletarian Revolutionary Front left California shortly after the events of the Synagogue wedding massacre and came to Arizona the following day, they had been rather fatigued. The person who phoned them was rather determined to enlist their help. Not far from where the wedding massacre took place some of the Phoenix Police started changing the cameras at several cross streets. Several Phoenix cross streets had the cameras changed by police including 27th Ave and Bell Rd, 35th Ave and Bell Rd, 35th Ave and Union Hills, 19th Ave and Northern and some others that I have not been able to fully account for. But the list of accounts and confirming accounts is growing at an alarming rate, all of this was done on May 28, 2019. The Proletarian Revolutionary Front came armed with video cameras to film the Police changing the cross street surveillance cameras, they recorded this at or near 27th Ave and Bell Rd. The guy who phoned the Proletarian Revolutionary Front recorded the police changing the cameras at 35th Ave and Bell Rd. I can not reveal the identity of the man who phoned the Proletarian Revolutionary Front enlisting their aid, these events put him in extreme danger. What I now shall give an account on is a combination of his testimony and the testimony of others. On May 30, 2019 several eyewitnesses saw Adinah Belén talking to Bunny Leistung in a rather friendly way.
Again on May 30, 2019 the Phoenix Police started changing the cameras at these cross streets.
The Proletarian Revolutionary Front along with the man who had phoned for them to come to Arizona record these police changing the cameras at the cross streets and the building near by. Many onlookers had seen these occurrences and I have spoken to several individuals who give similar accounts of this. The distressing news about this is that I can not get anyone working in these buildings to give a testimony, in fact I have received nothing but denial of such events. I find this very frustrating because the number of eyewitnesses to the events of May 30, 2019 are growing, more and more people are seeking me out to document this, I am loosing track of how much information I have gathered. The Proletarian Revolutionary Front and the man continued video recording from several angles, as this was happening members of the Jewish Defense League and the National Socialist Movement chased after them. All nine members of the Proletarian Revolutionary Front along with the man who had phoned them, was detained and shoved into a White Van. All of the video cameras were smashed to pieces. As the 10 of them were in the Van, Commander Soviet Menace managed to escape. Commander Soviet Menace ran over to the Lenin-Mao Communist Union and was greeted by General Secretary Edward Phil. Our General Secretary contacted all of us members of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union, we had to drop all other engagements and focus on a search for the nine people abducted. Meanwhile inside the White Van was Adinah Belén the JDL Zionist and Bunny Leistung the Neo-Nazi Human Trafficker. It is unclear who the driver was or who the side seat passenger in front was, anything I say about that on my part is speculation only.
Inside the White Van the eight members of the Proletarian Revolutionary Front were repetitively stabbed by Adinah Belén way past her killing them on the first few stabs and sometimes the first stab. Then the man who phoned the Proletarian Revolutionary Front was hit unconscious by Bunny Leistung. The man was woken up in a big warehouse room in a building under construction in the City of Surprise, Arizona within Downtown Surprise. He was interrogated and tortured by electrocution at the hands of Adinah Belén. During this time we all (members of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union) gathered our intelligence and spoke to various people who had seen the events of abduction, a skill taught to us by the now dead Hannah Toff from the Bundist Movement.
General Secretary Edward Phil armed Commander Soviet Menace with Guns from our armory.
One of the best things about Arizona is that the right to bear arms is best here more than any other American State. General Secretary Edward Phil drove Commander Soviet Menace near the location.
Commander Soviet Menace went inside the building and saw both Adinah Belén and Bunny Leistung and from the view of their backsides and with the rifle that General Secretary Edward Phil gave him, shot them both dead. Commander Soviet Menace handed the man a pistol for protection and when they ran out they were confronted by some of the Neo-Nazis that I believe to have been part of Jared 88's National Socialist Revolutionary Guard. The man killed four of them in self defense. They both ran to General Secretary Edward Phil's Car and got in. Jared 88 drove in pursuit them but gave up after four miles of this pursuit. I think this is because Jared 88 is not protected by any Police in the City of Surprise, I am rather sure this protection to be above the law is not beyond the cities of Phoenix and Glendale. The following day Chairman James Frankford, General Secretary Edward Phil and Arch Director Bradley Butch aided Commander Soviet Menace and his friend in investigating as much as possible. Commander Soviet Menace and his friend have both left Arizona. I suspect that the reason Chairman James Frankford, General Secretary Edward Phil and Arch Director Bradley Butch were murdered on June 8, 2019 is because of how much they learned when they aided Commander Soviet Menace and his friend.
The flag below is the flag of the Proletarian Revolutionary Front.
On the date of June 8, 2019 Chairman James Frankford and General Secretary Edward Phil and Arch Director Bradley Butch were murdered by Jared 88. I and another member of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union are the only eyewitnesses to this. Those of us not murdered decided that it was best to disband the Lenin-Mao Communist Union after this.
The flag below is the flag of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union.
In my next post I will go further into the Lenin-Mao Communist Union which I was a member of.
I used to be on Twitter, Tumblr and Reddit. I was a Marxist-Leninist. Just as before I use a picture of a Frog. I was a member of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union, three of our members were murdered on June 8, 2019, we have disbanded since then. Lately I have been soul searching, I almost became a Maoist-Third Worldist but I have instead decided to become a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist.

Sunday, August 18, 2019
Monday, August 12, 2019
Arizona the Twilight Zone of America
I used to be on Twitter, Tumblr and Reddit. I was a Marxist-Leninist. Just as I had done before, I use a picture of a Frog now too. I was a member of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union, three of our members were murdered on June 8, 2019, we have disbanded since then. Lately I have been soul searching, I almost became a Maoist-Third Worldist but I have instead decided to become a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist. This is very relevant to me because we were doing revolution and we failed, that is why I almost went completely Third Worldist. I decided to become a Maoist instead, realizing that true Maoists agree largely with Third Worldism. This is because I talked to the members of Panther C.O.D.E and they explained much to me. I was a Marxist-Leninist when in the Lenin-Mao Communist Union. The Lenin-Mao Communist Union was a urban Communist Vanguard Militia, we studied Marxism-Leninism and Maoism. The Lenin-Mao Communist Union had both Marxist-Leninist and Maoist members. Arizona is a place of very poor education, the ill-educated from California have better prospects for employment in Arizona which is why so many of California's misfits move to Arizona. In my following post I plan to explain my knowledge of the Proletarian Revolutionary Front a California Chapter of Marxist-Leninist Revolutionaries, I was the man they kept contact with when they had to deal with Arizona and I even helped them settle 12 of my fellow Syrians in Phoenix, Arizona. The things that I have to write about in order to explain the terrible events of May 27, 2019, May 30, 2019 and June 8, 2019 cover a large range of topics, I will also have to explain what I understand to be the motive for these things. I will admit to something rather odd to the topic, only because I fear that this will be a barrier in discussion, I identify as a straight male and my girlfriend was a Trans-Woman fully transitioned, she was murdered last year by a Phoenix Police officer - this is a cold case. I have no evidence for this, but the topics that will be brought up in following posts will be controversial, all matters relevant to motive of murder must be brought up - but countless who shall read this will no doubt be very offended. That being said my late girlfriend opposed the pink washing of Zionism, that is to say she hated the way Zionists would promote the Zionist State as Pro-LGBT while simultaneously demonizing Palestine because of how much Hamas is said to oppose LGBT. The issue of Transgenders will be brought up over and over again, those who are transphobic will hate this blog, but those who refuse to approach the Transgender Question in peaceful and kind debate will also hate this blog. These murders happened for several reasons and one of the reasons was that we had not been afraid to talk about gender questioning or the material questioning of transgenderism, we had several transgenders come to many organized Marxist and Anarchist meetings on this very topic. I am most afraid of being accused of transphobia by several transgenders who don't understand where I and my Comrades had actually been on this issue. At the same time I am absolutely terrified of the transphobic and homophobic bigots who run wild in Arizona. Whenever anyone realized that my girlfriend had been born with all male parts not only would she often get attacked but I was accused of being homosexual, I do not hate Gay people but I take offense to being seen as Gay just as many Lesbians may take offense to being seen as Straight.
The National Socialist Movement is the largest Neo-Nazi Organization in the United States of America. Over the last several years of eyewitness testimony, recorded data and photographs it has become evident that Joseph Michael Arpaio the former Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona and Republican politician is directly connected to the National Socialist Movement.
Most of the inhabitants of Arizona themselves are oblivious to what happens in Arizona.
The most militant Jewish Defense League cells in Arizona work very closely with the most militant and secretive sell of the National Socialist Movement in Phoenix, Arizona and Glendale, Arizona contrary to all claims that the Arizona Chapters of the Jewish Defense League have been disbanded. One of the groups that ties into these events is Midnight Productions. Midnight Productions is a human trafficking porn syndicate that has a lot protection by the Glendale Police. I have even confirmed that Midnight Productions has a presence in Heber-Overgaard by several Navajos. The poor know, the poor understand, but no one is listening to the poor. It matters not to the common person in Arizona that several people who could not know each other throughout the State of Arizona confirm each other. Basic detective skills must only be used by the Fascist Cops, that is Arizona and even a great deal of America. Please brace yourselves for the following posts, the posts will touch upon a lot of information that will be unsettling and difficult for many to accept. I also encourage more to come out with this information even if it is more to the anonymous variety. Arizona is America's Fascist testing ground and we must all fight back.
Update: August 13, 2019 11:18 AM
I have made some corrections to this post.
The National Socialist Movement is the largest Neo-Nazi Organization in the United States of America. Over the last several years of eyewitness testimony, recorded data and photographs it has become evident that Joseph Michael Arpaio the former Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona and Republican politician is directly connected to the National Socialist Movement.
Most of the inhabitants of Arizona themselves are oblivious to what happens in Arizona.
The most militant Jewish Defense League cells in Arizona work very closely with the most militant and secretive sell of the National Socialist Movement in Phoenix, Arizona and Glendale, Arizona contrary to all claims that the Arizona Chapters of the Jewish Defense League have been disbanded. One of the groups that ties into these events is Midnight Productions. Midnight Productions is a human trafficking porn syndicate that has a lot protection by the Glendale Police. I have even confirmed that Midnight Productions has a presence in Heber-Overgaard by several Navajos. The poor know, the poor understand, but no one is listening to the poor. It matters not to the common person in Arizona that several people who could not know each other throughout the State of Arizona confirm each other. Basic detective skills must only be used by the Fascist Cops, that is Arizona and even a great deal of America. Please brace yourselves for the following posts, the posts will touch upon a lot of information that will be unsettling and difficult for many to accept. I also encourage more to come out with this information even if it is more to the anonymous variety. Arizona is America's Fascist testing ground and we must all fight back.
Update: August 13, 2019 11:18 AM
I have made some corrections to this post.
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The Conclusion
This is my last post for this Blog. I am grateful to Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action , Third World Liberation and Panther C.O.D.E for helpi...

Midnight Productions is protected by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Many of the Phoenix Police Department and Glendale Police Dep...
Within the Phoenix Police Department are members of the JDL Zionists and the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard. One of the biggest crim...
I am going to bring up two political parties that are underground and not registered. I am going to focus heavy on the Proletarian Revoluti...