Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Conclusion

This is my last post for this Blog. I am grateful to Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action, Third World Liberation and Panther C.O.D.E for helping me put up this blog. I hope that every thing that I have written about is read with in depth. I am going to be leaving the United States of America very soon.
I honestly wish I would not have come here, this is a very privileged Country with a majority of bigoted citizens. I became part of the revolutionary struggle in Arizona and it seems to have been in vain. In my heart I will always carry the flame of the Revolution, but I am no longer going to fight after this. I used to troll Twitter, Tumblr and Reddit until I got tired of it. America poisons the World with such pastimes as trolling. The United States of America is not worth anything, it is a Country based on lies and Occupation just as the State of Israel. This post is a post of  review and conclusion.
The conclusion that I have reached is that the Bundist Movement advanced dialectical materialism. Dona Newman started the process of taking back the dialectic from COINTELPRO and making an advancement in dialectics. Uri Adiah was the first Bundist to answer the National Question. Hannah Toff woke up a lot of Anarchists by exposing the Zionism of Murray Bookchin. Mariam Emesberg challenged Karl Marx as a historical revisionist of eurocentricity, a notion that many Marxist-Leninists and Marxist-Leninist-Maoists and Maoist-Third Worldists have in recent years had to consider. Marvin Eliyahu and Isaiah P. Kamatstein both led the way to providing to Marxists a clear understanding of the validity of Jamahiriya. Uri Adiah and Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua together had a way of explaining what the real issue with Syria really is, as a Syrian myself this is very important, that has sadly come to no avail everyone thinks that Assad gassed his own people, something that never happened, people praise the White Helmets who kidnap children, dress them up in a way to make it appear that they are dead or dying and then film it. Uri Adiah and Marvin Eliyahu held hard evidence that much of the membership of the FSA were also American JDL. Isaiah P. Kamatstein, Uri Adiah, and Marvin Eliyahu witnessed just how controlled all the oppositions against Nicolás Maduro really is in Venezuela. The dialogue between Marxism-Leninism and Bundism began thanks to Hannah Toff, Uri Adiah and Marvin Eliyahu. I was proud to be a member of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union but what made all of us in my organization proud was our known affiliation with the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement, we actually thought that we would be meeting Dr. Weizfeld out here. I really wanted to talk to Dr. Weizfeld face to face and argue with him and rebuttal him because of how wrong he is on so many subjects, of course I would have won these arguments but we both would have most likely have kept it going until he surrendered to me because of all the facts I would push upon him. Maybe I will get to meet him in Cuba. If I see Dr. Weizfeld in Cuba I will buy the Coffee myself, we will drink this Coffee and I will rebuttal him for all of his incorrect views on so many subjects. Isaiah P. Kamatstein proved that being Trans-skeptical is not the same as being Transphobic, he taught us all how to fight against the polarizing positions of Transphobia versus Transgenderism. Pushing back against and exposing the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard as the Arizona Terrorist wing of the NSM headed by Jared 88 of Midnight Productions seems to be the nails in the coffin. The five Council members of the Bundist Movement were murdered on May 27, 2019. Coming from California the Proletarian Revolutionary Front went out to Arizona to investigate the events of May 27, 2019 and they were murdered on May 30, 2019 for doing so.
Only one member of the Proletarian Revolutionary Front survived and it was us in the Lenin-Mao Communist Union that helped him escape Arizona, this led to three of my Comrades getting murdered on June 8, 2019. My three murdered Comrades and myself made up the leadership of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union. I could have kept the organization going, but it is better if the other members form their own ML and MLM organizations and that these Arizona Revolutionary Socialist Militias haunt the fuck out of Arizona, it is further my hope that the Maoist Street Code is used. If the Maoist Street Code gets used as hoped then maybe the Revolutionary vibe will become a Revolutionary Storm that the Police will never be able to stop. The motives for these murders are many, they are interwoven. To understand in full please read all of these posts, please click on every link and read those too. This will give you the full context and understanding necessary to grasp what happened this year in Arizona.

Arizona the Twilight Zone of America

Background Information

Detailed Information

What the Bundists knew about Venezuela

What the Bundists knew about Syria

JDL-Zionism unity with Neo-Nazism

The Police Departments of Phoenix and Glendale

Modern Bundists are Jewish Panthers

Midnight Productions is not fiction

Thanks to the help of a friend, something has come to my possession that I now give to the World. I give you the only known photo of the Cosmopolitan Jewish Reconstructionalist Community of Phoenix Arizona as it once was. It is not much of an HD Photograph, in fact I would not even call it HD. You can make out what you are looking at though. This picture was taken in early January of 2019.

I am leaving the United States of America, I have finished this blog. The United States of America is not worth anything, it is up to the citizens inside the United States to declare war on the United States of America. The very values of the United States of America create genocidal views of other peoples.  
I may not be welcome back in my Country, I do not trust Ba'athism. But even with this known, I will make it clear to everyone, Bashar al-Assad does not grant full rights to Non-Syrians, I will also make clear that Bashar al-Assad did not gas anyone with chemical weapons. Dona Newman herself has debunked the entire notion that Assad gassed citezens of Syria more than once, this is a critizesm she wrote to Dr. Weizfeld the only thing I find unsettling is how much Dr. Weizfeld will dismiss the facts in favor of his own beliefs about Syria. Anyone who looks at the sources Dr. Weizfeld uses on the Syrian subject fully knows that he uses mostly Pro-Imperialist bias. Dr. Weizfeld uses Imperialist sources like Forbes on other things too. He also gets a lot of misinformation from the Pentagon backed VICE NEWS which sometimes puts out good information, but it also attacks Orthodox Judaism. The People Social Freedom Movement is currently protecting Dona Newman, I doubt very much that they can keep her safe. Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua is in constant danger and will most likely be killed by Neo-Nazi subhumans like Jared 88. I understand Dr. Weizfeld will be in the West Bank again soon, he better not fucking die, those IDF fascists hate real Jews like Dr. Weizfeld. I really wish I could go with Dr. Weizfeld but I am banned from Palestine too. I really want to speak and argue and join with Dr. Weizfeld. The likelihood that Dr. Weizfeld will even be able to stay alive in Nablus without an Israeli settler wanting to kill him is unlikely.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Midnight Productions is not fiction

Midnight Productions is protected by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Many of the Phoenix Police Department and Glendale Police Department are part of Midnight Productions. All of the urban legends about Thomas and 72nd Avenue are true, all of the legends about Dog Town, J Park and Chicago Bob exists, Eric exists too.
Years ago you could barely mention Midnight Productions. There are people to this very day that still believe that even saying Midnight Productions openly in public will get you murdered. The reason why anyone would even think this is because, this tends to be true. The Bundist Movement took on Midnight Productions and Isaiah P. Kamatstein created rescue groups to help prostitutes escape from their grasp. Hannah Toff  more than once declared war on Midnight Productions, taking them on even in a small way is considered "chasing your own execution" this is the most dangerous post I have written so far. Bunny Leistung had a lot of business with Midnight Productions, including the recruitment of Webcam girls. Jared 88 was notorious for dealing in some of the most expensive snuff films. Although no one has ever really been able to get a photograph of Jared 88 or Bunny Leistung, Eric Scarletto has a record open to the public and in the last three years several of the homeless population in Arizona know exactly where he is and where he hangs out. Even though I have been ridiculed for not being able to provide enough names (real names) I give you the smoking gun to this case. Eric Scarletto is the smoking gun, this is the real lead you need. Be warned the FBI and the CIA are very dismissive about this case - even hostile about the very subject being mentioned. We live in the most insecure time, all information is being digitized. Digital information is the easiest to remove. So be warned, screensave everything you can find, and be selective of who you decide to bring this information to. The Sheriff's Department is looking more shady than both the Phoenix Police and Glendale Police on this problem. Eric Scarletto has very strong ties to the Aryan Brotherhood in prison. Whenever a European Jewish male has to spend prison time in Arizona this typically spells out only two options, the first option is be killed by the Aryan Brotherhood and the second option is to become a prison bitch to a Black or Mexican. It is not derogatory to say prison bitch, this is the actual term for it. Black Jews may have it harder on the Streets but they have it easier in prison, in prison Black Jews are recognized as Black. In prison a European Jew is not consider to be White by Whites. In prison a European Jew is considered to be White by Blacks and Mexicans. I am sure there are Asians and Arabs in prison too, that may make things a bit different, but it can not alter this by much. I have met way to many people coming out of the Arizona prison system, I have spoken to several Arizona Security Guards they tell me the same, I have a lot of knowledge on this subject. Since putting out this blog I have been ridiculed and criticized, everyone of my blog posts holds the facts. This is the blog post that will take you somewhere with a real solid grasp of how this is all connected. Arizona is not some tropical paradise, this place is the number one place in the United States where digital information is removed without question. Arizona is the number one place in the United States where Obituaries go unreported regardless of how illegal that is. This is the top place for Human trafficking, in Arizona the Police participate in the murder of Trans Teens, this is one of the main themes on the snuff films sold by Jared 88. Most of the "rumors" and "conspiracy theories" on the subject of Midnight Productions are dismissed as such because of how much the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office is involved. Eric Scarletto has a record, look into him, he is a big deal.  

Monday, December 16, 2019

Modern Bundists are Jewish Panthers

I have already explained that new bridges between Marxist-Leninists & Jewish Bundists had been built here in Arizona. Now I will go further, a new United Front was forming under something called the Maoist Street Code. You can read the Maoist Street Code by clicking this link my organization the Lenin-Mao Communist Union was going to put out an updated version that would include Bundists into this, that would have changed everything. The Maoist Street Code was written on January 18th, 2005 as an anonymous message sent throughout the United States and Canada. Even today no one knows where this came from or who wrote it. The only thing I know for sure is that Panther C.O.D.E adopted the Maoist Street Code and that there is Bundist commentary on it written by Dona Newman.
The spread of Pantherism in Arizona really scared a lot of people, yet it gave hope to others. Having open conversations with Communities about self reliance was a trend replacing the common hedonism. Exposing the Police and their history in America. Not to mention how good Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua is when it comes to teaching media literacy. Much of this has to do with Pantherism and spreading COINTELPRO Awareness. Rejecting the American Working Class and embracing the Lumpenproletariat instead. Spreading awareness about the repressed indigenous Native Americans was an overdue and much needed subject that was forced out of the closet in Arizona.
Panther C.O.D.E was important in helping other revolutionaries understand that the Black Panther Party was practicing National-Cultural Autonomy. On the date of December 11th, 2019 Donald Trump signed an Executive Order to combat antisemitism on college campuses by using Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to withhold federal money from schools that fail to counter discrimination against Jews. However this legally racializes the Jewish People because of the Hegelian uses and distortion of the word Nation and this also criminalizes being Palestinian. Together the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement and Panther C.O.D.E were trying to stop these very things from happening. This only seems like a stretch to most people, but it is not. The Bundist Movement was the most radical political organization in the United States of America and it would have gotten more radical if Dr. abraham Weizfeld would have been allowed entry into the United States of America as the Bundist Movement was trying to ensure. Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua interviewed Steve Struggle on the Bundist YouTube Channel, Steve Struggle is an original Black Panther. What Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua did was more important than when Raven interviewed Tom Watts. Take a listen to Raven's interview of Tom Watts and then take a listen to Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua's interview of Steve Struggle, there is no comparison because Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua's interview was just better. Jewish Voice for Peace is not enough for what younger Jews are looking for, they seek a Jewish Panther organization, only the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement fits this category. 
The Lenin-Mao Communist Union was very impressed with the relationship between Panther C.O.D.E and the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement. Before the Anarcho Syndical Family disband they too had been impressed by such a political relationship. Panther C.O.D.E was very friendly to both the Lenin-Mao Communist Union and the Anarcho Syndical Family, but it was the Bundist Movement that actually Panther C.O.D.E recognized as an advancement in theoretical contributions.
Panther C.O.D.E even helped to make sure that the Transgender Question was not mistaken for Transphobia. To fully grasp the context of Pantherism I suggest that this post be read understanding this will help in understanding motives as to why there was a massacre as big as the one that happened on May 27th, 2019. The advancement in theory and practice was the best thing that could have happened yet it has come at the price of many innocent lives. The worst thing that anyone can do is dismiss this.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Police Departments of Phoenix and Glendale

Within the Phoenix Police Department are members of the JDL Zionists and the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard. One of the biggest criminal actions carried out by the Phoenix Police Department is their participation in the murder of Transgender People, I sometimes loose myself being that I am a Cisgender Man, so forgive me that I tend to forget the proper usage of Trans. I often forget to say Trans People, I sometimes say Transgenders. I just want it known that I am not coming from a place of hate. It may surprise you to learn that the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement had to deal with several encounters by the Phoenix Police who would raid Public Forum Gatherings that served the purpose of discussion of the Transgender Question with Trans People. The taboo subject of Transgenderism was usually resolved in ways that offend most Trans-Activists. Trans-Activists do nothing for Trans People, the poor Trans Teens often are caught up in prostitution. One fourth of the snuff films that Midnight Productions produces are films containing the extremely violent murdering of young Trans Teens, such films tend to have members of the Phoenix Police Department carrying out these murders. Most Trans People fall into two categories, the first is the gender questioning and the second is those with gender dysphoria. Many Trans People tend to question their own Transgenderism, most Trans Suicides happen after transition, this information is mostly suppressed and when it not suppressed it is usually only fanatical Evangelicals proclaiming something on this subject which is usually done in the form of Hate Speech. The Transgender Question was originally started by Isaiah P. Kamatstein, the conclusion usually reached was that their is no material basis for the claims of Transgenderism the only validity that can be given is in the mystical. While it is true that there are Women who don't menstruate, this is not normal. Today there are cases of child custody rights over one parent demanding a sex change for their child. These discussions were important and they have taken place in Glendale, Arizona too. 

Just like the Phoenix Police Department many within the Glendale Police Department are also members of both the JDL Zionists and the National Socialist Revolutionary Guard. The Glendale Police are some of the most vile people in the World. Several people counted among Midnight Productions are under the protection of the Glendale Police. The Anarcho Syndical Family which had its gatherings in Glendale, Arizona did a lot to expose Midnight Productions. Myself and my Comrades in the Lenin-Mao Communist Union joined forces with The Anarcho Syndical Family in the pursuit of bringing down Midnight Productions. Related to this, the Anarcho Syndical Family once rescued fifteen young Trans Teens, they were addicted to heroin. What the Anarcho Syndical Family had done was rescue these kids from Midnight Productions. One of the reasons why people do not like to confront Midnight Productions is they like to hack computers with a Child Porn virus, usually what follows is within minutes the FBI is at your door. This happens much less now as more people become aware of this computer virus, but because this is still effective, it still happens. The Lenin-Mao Communist Union hosted at least six joint Public Forum Gatherings with the Anarcho Syndical Family furthering the Transgender Question that Isaiah P. Kamatstein started. Most of these young Trans Teens began to rethink their Transgenderism. Some people agree with traditional gender roles and some do not, but for those who question their gender roles when they are given the space to think for themselves they usually conclude that transition it self is a way of conforming to gender roles. The Transgender Question has now been picked up by the Internationalist Resistance Guard which is a group of Maoist-Third Worldists in California. Everyone aware of the Internationalist Resistance Guard knows that they are inspired by the Leading Light Communist Organization yet they hold a few fundamental differences. Everyone aware of the Internationalist Resistance Guard knows that they are a breakaway from ANTICONQUISTA. The Glendale Police Department is known for sexually harassing young Teenage girls. Isaiah P. Kamatstein helped the Lenin-Mao Communist Union and the Anarcho Syndical Family raise awareness on this subject. The Glendale Police Department also is known to wiretap average people and blackmail them, they have many informants as a result.

The Arizona Cities of both Phoenix and Glendale serve as case testimonies against the very institution of the Police. The Police need to be abolished. It is time for the People themselves to form Militias elected by the People and for the People to police themselves. So in the words of my Comrade the late Isaiah P. Kamatstein . . .  
"Blue Lives Don't Matter"

Saturday, December 7, 2019

JDL-Zionism unity with Neo-Nazism

The last post leads directly into this post right here - JDL-Zionism unity with Neo-Nazism

The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was on the path to exposing the connection between the Neo-Nazi organization known as the National Socialist Movement and the Zionist Kahanist organization known as the (JDL) Jewish Defense League. Modern Bundism is a form of Pantherism. Pantherism is on the rise, to understand Pantherism it is best to read this post from Panther C.O.D.E the Bundist Movement has been very strongly connected to Panther C.O.D.E, so much so that Panther C.O.D.E gives the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement first recognition over other organizations for outlining the nature of Pantherism. The (JDL) Jewish Defense League has always claimed to be modeled after the Black Panther Party, this claim is holey false. The Black Panther Party was very stanch in their Anti-Zionist position, they practiced National-Cultural Autonomy and when Panther C.O.D.E denounced the JDL as a fascist organization in 2016. Panther C.O.D.E also denounced the entire (NSM) National Socialist Movement, this is very significant because it is alleged by many that Jeff Schoep personally attacked much of the leadership in Panther C.O.D.E with smear campaigns on Facebook and Twitter. Panther C.O.D.E publicly denounced Jeff Schoep in a public park in 2016 just one day before denouncing the entire JDL in the same public park. Allegedly this brought about several attacks upon Panther C.O.D.E often with strange yet very interesting combinations of NSM and JDL members who raided their houses. In Arizona many of the members of Panther C.O.D.E would be raided by several Phoenix Police officers that are allegedly are NSM and JDL. Panther C.O.D.E refuses to redact any part of their claims concerning this accusation. The cause of Panther C.O.D.E to expose the NSM/JDL connection was taken up and further by the Bundist Movement. The Bundist Movement managed to gather the attention that Panther C.O.D.E could not. I am convinced that because of how much the JDL-Zionist and Neo-Nazi threat goes ignored that this is what will inevitably take over the entire United States of America. What I have provided in this post is what I believe to be the most obvious motive for the massacres that have been carried out by the Phoenix and Glendale Police.

The Conclusion

This is my last post for this Blog. I am grateful to Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Action , Third World Liberation and Panther C.O.D.E for helpi...