Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What the Bundists knew about Syria

Welcome to the fifth post of my blog. The Bundist Movement was in constant communication with the Lenin-Mao Communist Union. I am about to give greater context to what I know to have been the most likely causes of motive as to why the five council members of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement were murdered and how this further led to the murder of three of the leading members of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union. To grasp the purpose of this post click on this link which will direct you to a blog post written by one of the murdered Bundists http://bundistmovement.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-syrian-war-confusing-subject.html
That other post is very important, it was written by Uri Adiah. Uri Adiah was the Councilman of National Affairs. He was an expert on Syria. As I have come to understand it, Comrade Net Ben-Yahushua had a very special bond with Uri Adiah as they both understood Jewish opinion in places like Syria and Lebanon. The Jewish population in that land is much like the Assyrian Christian population in that land, marginalized in ways that put the Kurdish to shame. I can confirm that what they know about Syria is true, I am from Syria, I would know. I came to the United States of America to help some friends for several reasons, one of these reasons was to combat the lies that most Americans believe about Syria. Eventually I would find my self part of the Lenin-Mao Communist Union. The two major subjects that I will now explore is . . .
1. Marxism-Leninism dialogue with Bundism.
2. JDL-Zionism unity with Neo-Nazism. 

Marxism-Leninism dialogue with Bundism

The Lenin-Mao Communist Union and the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement started working together after the fall of the Antifa alliance of Marxist-Leninists, Anarcho Syndicalists and Bundists in Phoenix, Arizona. Taking on both anti-Imperialism and anti-Colonialism is a necessity for those of us that call ourselves Communists. Many of us think we need to choose between fighting Imperialism or fighting Colonialism, but this is not the case. You see primary contradiction versus secondary contradiction is correct, yet this understanding needs to be updated and in some cases revisited. Hannah Toff, Marvin Eliyahu and Uri Adiah declared them selves publicly to be both Bundists as well as Marxist-Leninists. First Hannah Toff declared herself to be a Bundist ML in the blog post here http://bundistmovement.blogspot.com/2018/12/so-it-begins-for-me.html December 11, 2018. Next Marvin Eliyahu also declared himself to be a Bundist ML in the blog post http://bundistmovement.blogspot.com/2018/12/the-bundist-movement-is-vanguard-of.html December 18, 2018. Then finally Uri Adiah also declared himself to be a Bundist ML in the blog post http://bundistmovement.blogspot.com/2018/12/bundism-and-marxist-leninism.html December 24, 2018. Before the five council members were murdered Hannah Toff, Marvin Eliyahu and Uri Adiah told us in the Lenin-Mao Communist Union that they adjusted to Bundist MLM, which was not a big deal to us because our membership consisted of both ML and MLM. We were raising awareness on the subject of Syria and we all had planned to further explain the facts to other Socialists including Anarchists, it was working. Now of course there were many Anarchists that flat out rejected us, this even damaged the reputation that the Bundists had with some Anarchist groups, but not all of them. the best of the Anarchists were engaging in a anti-Sectarian tactical unity of sorts. Not ridiculous left-unity, but tactical unity rallied around anti-Imperialism, anti-Colonialism and anti-Fascism. We had planned anew Antifa alliance based on the exchange of learning dialectics founded on the principle that the Bundists and Anarchist pushed called reciprocity. Panther C.O.D.E joined in on this. Syria was the most common subject on fixing the contradictions on how Kurds felt about Syrians, how Syrians felt about Kurds, how Assyrian Christians and Jewish Syrians felt about Kurds. Nationalist Self-determination dropped by the various currents of ML Thought, to then be replaced by the Multi-National Coexistence Auto-determination. The Lenin-Mao Communist Union together with the Bundist Movement and Panther C.O.D.E held a dialectical reciprocity meeting called Combat Dogmatism the subject of Auto-determination over Self-determination. Many of the ML and MLM formations have adopted National-Cultural Autonomy as a way to rid ourselves of the dangers of IDPOL, a way to understand how to solve the problems of a diverse Country like Syria, this has now caught on to Global Revolutionary Shining Path and Internationalist Resistance Guard two important M3W organizations. This was an Arizona conversation, even though Arizona's bigger cities have the most integrated poor in the United States, Arizona is also filled with Neo-Nazi subhumans that seek to destroy this.

JDL-Zionism unity with Neo-Nazism

Bundists pulled Assyrian Christians and Coptic Christians away from Neo-Nazis, Uri Adiah was an expert on how to go about doing this. It may seem odd that Neo-Nazis would try to win over Assyrian Christians and Coptic Christians but you just need to understand how marginalized Eastern Christians actually are, the left has a habit of letting the right hijack our cause. When we fight Colonialism we fight racism, when we do this we tear down the divisions that stop class consciousness. Uri Adiah was hoping to correct Dr. Weizfeld in what he concluded was total false know it all arrogance.The good news is, Dr. Weizfeld is much more hip to Syria's problems now than he was before. My three Communist Comrades/friends are murdered. But my five Bundist Comrades/friends are murdered. They are not coming back. On the date of February 28, 2019 Net Ben-Yahushua and Uri Adiah were kidnapped by members of JDL Zionists, you can read about it here http://bundistmovement.blogspot.com/2019/03/thursday-last-day-of-february-of-2019.html this it self had to do with Syria as some of the FSA fighters are actually JDL, something that myself and Uri Adiah, Marvin Eliyahu and Hannah Toff fully understood. The JDL tried to disrupt many group meetings centered on the subject of Syrian Fact Dialogue. Sometimes it was the Neo-Nazis who would bust up meetings that the Lenin-Mao Communist Union had with Anarchists, these meetings often required the presence of someone from the Bundist Movement, Marxists and Anarchists have a lot of animosity that the Bundist Movement knew how to bridge the gaps concerning such differences. What the Bundists knew about Syria stood as a threat to Imperialism, Colonialism and Fascism.

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